Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Snowball's Speech~Promises for the future

I, Snowball, am here to announce my candidacy for leader of Animal Farm. Thank you all for coming. We are gathered here today for one reason and that is change. You all believe in what Animal Farm can and will be, but it’s not only I, who will help make this change, but all of us, together as one. In order for us to make our farm, our society, a better place. We will create justice and equality for all animals. We will give education to all, and I will teach everyone personally.

Our farm needs to improve our justice and equality; many animals feel like there is no equality and that is horrible for our farm. Of course, there is always going to be someone in charge but we all need the same amount of food and other necessities. Everyone’s voice needs to be heard; if they have a problem they need to speak up! When someone’s out of line or breaks a rule they need to face the consequences. Even though we won't throw them out, and the punishment will fit the crime, they will regret what they did and never do something like that again. 

  Comrades, education is very important in a working society. It is important, so that every animal on the farm can read at least the 7 commandments. Education is also very important so that all animals can communicate without actually talking, but by writing. Educated animals learn through life by reading wise animals’ writings, and by communicating their thoughts through writing. Educated animals create a more just and equal society.

Comrades, it is also very important to build this windmill. It is important, because if we build it, we will have less labor and a greater food supply. But, you may ask how, will we have less labor and more food? Well, the windmill will produce energy, which it will put into machines and those machines will milk the cows, pick up chicken eggs, so things will move faster. The windmill will also produce energy for machines that will heat the farm so we will have a more comfortable lifestyle. And, that comrades, is how we will live if you elect me.

  You should elect me, Snowball, as your leader, because I am strong in body and mind. I have the knowledge and the heart. I have the wisdom and the will. I don’t need luxuries for myself, all I want is to provide for all animals of Animal Farm. I, no we, can lead Animal Farm into greatness, but only if you elect me as your leader. Together, we can create a perfect utopia.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Snowball Campaign Poster 2

Propaganda Campaign Poster 2

Snowball Promises...

...to make a windmill
...to make all animals plentiful
...to have animals work less
...to assure equality and more freedom
...to help animals get the education they need
...to give every animal happiness


Snowball Campaign Poster

Snowball Campain Propaganda 1
Cute PigOink Oink PigCute Pig