Sunday, November 13, 2011

Snowball Campaign Poster

Snowball Campain Propaganda 1


  1. if lassie, babe and secreteriat are voting for snowball so should you!!!

  2. Vote 4 SNOWBALL!!! Voix pour SNOWBALL!!! Abstimmung fur SNOWBALL!!! Voto para SNOWBALL!!! (in english, francais, deutsch and espanol)

  3. I like this poster, because it really shows what he is going to do. What I think could be improved overall on this campaign is that snowball is still a fishy character, and if you could somehow find a way to make him look better, less like a traitor. PS you have my support!

  4. @Emma P

    Thanks for your comment. I am very happy to have your support! Thanks for your constructive criticism!

    Yours Truly,
    Snowball <3


Cute PigOink Oink PigCute Pig